

I’m an environmental consultant specializing in water science and policy in Florida.

My main interests are in using data analysis and visualizations to help clients in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors fulfil their missions while protecting water quality and human health. I’ll write about some of that work here.

In my spare time I enjoy ultimate frisbee, cycling, gardening, hiking/backpacking, and being bad at photography and pencil drawing. All photographs on this website are ones I took unless they’re good, in which case they are attributed appropriately.


A complete CV can be viewed here. The overview image below was created with the VisualResume package.

visual resume image

You really want me to talk about myself more?

I have a background in wetlab bench research. During my undergraduate studies, I was privileged to receive several awards and fellowships that allowed me to conduct research in laboratories while earning my degree. I initially focused on understanding cellular regulation and developmental biology in both plant and animal model organisms. Later I switched focus to microbiology, applying molecular methods to understanding the ecology of microbes present on corals and their relationship to human health.

research image

After graduating, and deciding that academia was not for me, I ended up starting a consulting company, Frydenborg Ecologic along with my dad. I now find myself working at the intersection of policy and science. Our company has worked with private and public stakeholders on projects concerning Numeric Nutrient Criteria, Environmental Resource Permitting, Waste Water Treatment Facility permits, NPDES compliance, Microbial Source Tracking, policy reviews and meta-analyses, and ecological restoration. I find the work consistently interesting, challenging, and rewarding. I get to work on complex problems that have time and resource restraints, clear consequence and impact, and controversy driven by non-scientific ideology. There are very few boring days.

You are welcome to visit the company website, Frydenborg Ecologic for more information.